Puppy Testimonials

Our puppies quality speaks for themselves…. or more their humans do the interpreting. Check out down bellow to see what our IronSword Puppy owners have to say!



Alabama, USA

IronSword Selkie AKA River

“I’ve owned many dogs/puppies in my life but I mean it when I say River has been the best puppy. She is my ‘heart dog’ for sure! She’s wild, loud, and crazy, but she’s also sweet, cuddly, and eager to learn. She will do anything for cheese or chicken nuggets. She potty trained and crate trained comparatively easily; I credit the puppy culture guides. She annoys her lab brother all day. She has something to say about EVERYTHING and will often “talk” to us with cute little ‘awoos’. She’s done really well with her training and listens well to her commands. I’m most impressed with/thankful for her recall, Jensen Pierson taught the puppies their names early on and she comes 99% of the time when called! Be prepared to teach leash manners and ‘leave it/drop it’ early on. Those husky and malamute genes will certainly show through pulling without good leash training. She’s really everything I’ve wanted in a dog, she has an incredible personality, and if I’m being honest, I’m currently making attempts to convince my husband we should get another one…which may have worked if we had room in our house/yard for 3 big dogs. Maybe one day.
Also, a few notes on Jensen Pierson. Anytime I’ve ever had a question or just wanted to talk about puppy stuff, she is always happy to chat. I brag about her to everyone who asks where I got my puppy from, she’s really done such an amazing job! River came home already knowing so much and being a confident girl once she got used to our house. Jensen not only implemented the puppy culture method, but also gave us some lectures and resources to study by puppy culture which has helped tremendously. Really I could go on and on, I’ve had nothing but a good experience throughout this entire process.”


New York, USA

IronSword Loch Ness AKA Skye

“ Northern Inuits are endless energy and affection, incredibly smart and incredibly stubborn, 'goofy yet regal'. I will definitely echo what Lauren said about the Puppy Culture videos, early leash manners and 'drop it / give' training. And ditto for working with Jensen! So so happy to have her as our breeder.”


Ontario, Canada

IronSword Wulver AKA Zeus

“People love to say hello to Zeus and tell him how handsome he is! I could not have asked for a better tempered dog or experience bringing Zeus into my home. Jensen went above and beyond to accommodate the challenges of my job and of course getting a couple of these pups into Canada during a border lockdown! Zeus has developed quite the personality and is always good for a laugh especially when he's "asking" for treats. He's turning into quite the adventure pup and social butterfly at all my favourite patios. I have to give Jensen so much credit for the foundation she laid with these pups, it shows everyday!“


Florida, USA

IronSword Fachan AKA Cailean

Cailean has been quite an adventure so far! He is super athletic and inquisitive, eager to learn, yet a bit stubborn. He understands training concepts a lot quicker than any dog we have ever had, but "forgets" things when he doesn't feel like doing them. We have gotten to know him enough now to recognize when training sessions will be most productive. I think that has been key to keeping him interested. I am confident that we will continue to learn together! Now for the fun stuff. Be prepared for random bouts of the zoomies, (the likes of which I have never seen!) lots of backtalk, joyful howling sessions, and the best cuddles! Cailean came to us well adjusted to a variety of different situations and we have not had any issues with other dogs, children, or adults. (Squirrels are another story) Jensen did an amazing job raising these puppies (as the other owners have attested to as well) and we couldn't have asked for a better experience with her as a breeder. We have had quite a bit of experience with breeders and she is definitely one of the good ones! She is always available to answer questions and help us to learn more about this amazing breed.